Sessions, Fees & Funding

SESSIONS, Fees & Funding

We are open  5 days a week from 9am - 3pm during term time and can offer a range of different sessions to suit you.


We follow the same term times as our village school, Cottenham Primary and are open five days a week from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm during term-time.

Our sessions offer you great flexibility to suit your needs and a mixture of morning and afternoon sessions can be chosen from the following options (please kindly note these may be subject to availability in order to allow all children to access the most popular ones):

OPtions available:

Session Hours
Option A 09:00-11:30 (2.5 hours)
Option B 09:00-12:00 (3 hours)
Option C 09:00-12:30 (3.5 hours)
Option D 09:00-15:00 (6 hours)
Option E 11:30-15:00 (3.5 hours)
Option F 12:00-15:00 (3 hours)
Option G 12:30-15:00 (2.5 hours)

Our lunch session is between 11.30 am – 12.30 pm, when children eat a packed lunch with staff. If you wish your child to have their lunch with us, they will either finish their session at 12.00 pm or 12.30 pm if they stay in the morning or begin their afternoon session at 11.30 am. Please kindly note that if a child wishes to arrive at 12:00, they will not be able to have lunch at Ladybirds.

Choosing hours

Each term your child attends Ladybird Preschool, you will be offered a choice of hours. Once you have chosen them these will be your agreed hours that you are contracted to. Any changes to these hours can be made at the end of a term for the following term.

Changing hours

Once the parent contract is signed, any additional hours may have to be paid at the hourly rate. Additionally, any changes to agreed hours during term may incur a £25.00 administration charge to cover the additional administration involved.

Extra sessions

If you need to book occasional extra sessions for appointments or emergencies, this may be possible subject to availability and at the discretion of the office. Extra sessions will be charged at our normal hourly rates.


Ladybirds operates a freeflow arrangement. Children are based in one of the rooms (Red, Green or Blue) and have a peg for their bag and coat in their room, but during the core hours doors to all the rooms and the garden are opened.

School readiness sessions...

The aim of these sessions is to help your child to be ready for the transition from Ladybird’s to reception class. Therefore, they are more structured than the other rooms, however the children are still learning through play. We incorporate skills they will need for school such as recognising their name, listening to instructions, routine, book bags, PE lessons etc.

We follow a school day routine starting with register, play, snack, outdoor play, lunch. Then in the afternoon there will be different activities available. There is an adult led activity each day aimed to help the children further their capabilities and learning.

The room is set out in areas including literacy, maths, role play, arts and crafts.

We strive to make the sessions fun and interesting with a wide variety of activities including woodwork, messy play, literacy and maths activities etc

Fees and Funding

All 3 and 4-year-olds are currently entitled to 15 hours a week (570 hours per year) free childcare for 38 weeks of the year (during term-time).

For eligible working parents, you may be entitled to an additional 15 hours per week (1140 hours per year). 

*As of September 2024, working families of children aged 9 months upwards may be entitled to 15 funded hours per week*

Some families who are receiving government support may also be entitled to 15 hours a week free childcare from the term after the child turns 2.

To check your eligibility, you can use the Goverment Online Calculator

You will need to apply for your working families entitlement via the Government gateway.

If you are eligible you will be given your own online Childcare Services Account where you manage your hours (and your Tax-Free Childcare Account if you are using one). You will be provided with an 11-digit code which you will need to give to us, alongside your national insurance number and your child’s birth certificate. Please note that your code is only valid for 3 months, at which point you will receive an email from the Government Gateway to reconfirm your eligibility.  You can apply for 30 Hours Free Childcare up to 16 weeks before your child turns 3, but you won’t be able to start using it until the term after your child is 3-years-old.

Any hours not covered by Government funding will be invoiced at our hourly rate. Invoices are sent out termly.

Snack/admin charge


Per term* 

Includes fruit/Vegetables/biscuits and much more!

*optional payment

Session rate (effective from April 1st 2024)

£7.50 for UNDER 3 YRs

£6.80 for 3+ YRS

Per hour

For hours not covered by Government funding.

Interested in attending our preschool?

For further information or to arrange a visit please

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